How it works

Fusion for Everyone

If you're interested in helping make California Online Services better, here's how you can help:

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User tests

Test online at any time, or schedule a test to have a moderator help guide you through the process.

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User tests may be voice and video recorded. Don't worry, we're testing the service, not you.

We use Lookback to record you while you test. Install the free plug-in: Participate by Lookback.

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You can schedule a test at one of our facilities, sign-up for a focus group, or attend one of our events.

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New Ideas

If you have an idea for a new online service, submit an idea for one of our Digital Innovation Challenges.

Fusion for Agencies

Want to know how everyday citizens use your online service? Use Fusion and find out how:

  1. Sign up for an Agency Account
  2. Post a test on Fusion
  3. Get the results
  4. Take action!
  5. Compare other agencies tests and results